Small Packages of Joy and Adventure — Video Games

Shivam Dev Singh
2 min readOct 7, 2020

In my childhood I got extremely fascinated with video games, which is steady still. They were the reasons of multiple skipped lunches, hours of sittings and yeah the extreme joy on completing a mission.

I remember the first game I was hooked to was Contra, an arcade game. It was a two player game, which I along with my friend used to play multiple hours straight, since there was no save stage functionality, so if the game was quitted, you have to start from level 1.

Then I got my hands on Super Mario Bros, an epic game, almost every 90s kid must have played it once. Multiple challenging missions to clear infused me with excitement.

One of the game, which is my all time favourite is Project IGI. It is a tactical first person shooter game, with missions of infiltration into enemy campuses, taking out enemies and carrying out objectives. I have completed all the missions of this game twice and would go again if got a chance :)

Since then, I have played multiple games, but these are gems in my memory.

In the summer holidays of my second year, I started learning PyGame (a Python library used in making small games) and started my step towards making a game of my own.

So as a result I made a copy of classic arcade game PacMan in Python using PyGame library. You can click here to view my Github repository of the project and click here to view the Youtube video demonstration of my project.

Video games are awesome, and they will always continue to fascinate me and others too.

